Cross-Legged Worship
Elizabeth Moore
I learned so much about worship last night.
It was at a worship night where they encouraged us as the worshipers to get on our knees to surrender whatever it is we've placed on the alter of our hearts before God.
Of course there were so many things: papers and schoolwork in general, relationships, appearance, what other people think of me, and really any identity I've been living in apart from the humble but confident identity I have in the Lord. And since I was already on my knees, I just sat and worshiped cross-legged on the floor the for the rest of the night.
For some reason I feel so much closer to God and able to fully worship Him when I'm closer to the ground.
Maybe because it's more so in quietness and stillness that I hear Him. Keeping low and still and close to the ground frees me from distractions and feeling like I'm putting on a show for those around me or for God. I can come as I am, without seeing anyone else or anyone else seeing me, palms up, legs crossed, head up or down as I joyfully, wretchedly lift my voice to Him.
And right now, today, with tons of work to do and places to be, I remember to come before Jesus as His child--sitting on the floor at His feet with nothing to offer but adoration, thanksgiving, confession, and praise. I can't fix my eyes on all I have to do, because in a few days those things will not matter.
But I fix my eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of my faith. Who for the joy set before Him, endured the cross, scorning it's shame, and sat down at the right hand of God's throne. -Hebrews 12:2
I believe my God will take care of me.