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Living a life of hope & wholeness and sometimes writing about it. 



Elizabeth Moore

Today I sat down. I turned my phone off. I sipped and enjoyed my coffee rather inhaling the caffeine in hurried gulps.

Today I washed my hair. I drank water. I wore my salmon colored Columbia shorts because they make me feel cool. I got 8 hours of sleep.

Today I walked across campus with nothing in my hands. I stepped off the sidewalk to get a closer look at a spider web. I saw a girl with a leaf on her shoulder and she had no idea.

Today I listened to the sound of a fountain instead of music. I spent some time looking up at a tree. I tucked my feet underneath myself and got comfortable.

Today I missed my family. I remembered how much I love my summer job. I remembered how much I love and need to write.

Today I thought about breathing. I thought about self-control. I thought about how life isn't mine.

Today I was okay with being tired but I was not defined by it. I thought about how good God is to give us the example of rest.

Today I prayed for strength.

Today I chose joy.

Today I was still.

"Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus." Hebrews 12.