A Common Myth- a poem
Elizabeth Moore
My first poem. Inspired by this quote:
You don't peel away the layers of an onion to reveal an eventual core of onion-ness. The layers themselves are the onion. -Unknown
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Living a life of hope & wholeness and sometimes writing about it.
Filtering by Tag: deep healing
My first poem. Inspired by this quote:
You don't peel away the layers of an onion to reveal an eventual core of onion-ness. The layers themselves are the onion. -Unknown
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They tell me that the body remembers, and I think mine has been having too much fun with deja vu. It's remembering where I was one year ago--after Rush, leadership, and responsibilities. It's remembering the cold weather, the mid-November stress, the overcast days, the wind slicing through the buttons of my flannel. Last year, cold weather felt scary and lonely and helpless. And my body is remembering.
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