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Living a life of hope & wholeness and sometimes writing about it. 


Filtering by Tag: Elizabeth Moore blog

Life These Days?

Elizabeth Moore

These past few months, I’ve had lots of questions about where I am and what I’m doing these days. That’s a great question—one that I love answering! Your concerned, quizzical looks are valid. I’m not exactly doing “life” or “job” or “young-adult-living-situation” in a conventional way, but I’m exactly where I need to be, and I couldn’t be more grateful. 

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Into the Fog

Elizabeth Moore

I'll be honest about this part of life. It doesn't make any sense. Maybe for some people it does. But for me, each application feels like a rejection and each step forward seems to be followed by three stumbles back. I feel less in control of the plan, and I don't like that. Actually, I hate it. Those hazy shadows in the fog taunt me with their mystery. My concentrated stares to determine the identity of those shadows only ends in confusion and frustration. No answers. No answers yet. At least not while I'm standing far away, apprehending the unknown from a distance. 

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Climbing Oak Mountain

Elizabeth Moore

A couple weekends ago, I visited Birmingham with a friend of mine--we'll call her Trail Runner. Trail Runner is one of those naturally outdoorsy people who grew up with a state park at her back door and a kayak strapped to the family car. Trail Runner and I couldn't be more different, but on a sidewalk in November, we decided to start road tripping together.

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